My role
Copywriter / creative​
The ask
To celebrate the release of the Angry Birds film, they teamed up with Frubes. We were tasked with creating the concept and engagement platform to help launch the Angry Birds film as well as the on-pack promotion.
The insight
The birds and pigs had long been at war already — so how could we capitalise on this and create even more fun rivalry?
The idea
The Angry Birds love to dance. So come and create your own dance party with them!
In the Dance Off, kids and their parents were able to interact with the birds and pigs to create their own fun. We developed the UI and game in-house, creating our own unique look and feel to mix both Frubes and Angry Birds.
Players were able to select their favourite characters, place them wherever they liked, and then face the music to see who could pull off the best moves.
We continued this theme of dancing throughout the in-store activations as well. With dance step decals and lenticular shelf wobblers that 'danced' as you moved past.
Copywriter - Emma Brown​
Art Direction - Sam Richardson